Recipes from Rugkop

Pain de campagne med spelt og rug

Pain de campagne with spelled and rye

Ingredients: Wholemeal spelled, coarsely ground rye flour, stone-ground wheat flour, finely sifted wheat, light sourdough, salt, water and honey. Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, tea towel, carving knife and...

Pain de campagne with spelled and rye

Ingredients: Wholemeal spelled, coarsely ground rye flour, stone-ground wheat flour, finely sifted wheat, light sourdough, salt, water and honey. Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, tea towel, carving knife and...

Müslibrud med enkornsmel, creme fraiche og sesamolie (8-10 boller)

Muesli bread with einkorn flour, creme fraiche ...

Ingredients: Einkorn flour, stone-ground wheat flour, finely sifted wheat, sour cream, light sourdough, salt, sesame oil, muesli, raisins, hazelnuts. Tool: Dough spatula, rising basket, tea towel and possibly a cast...

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Muesli bread with einkorn flour, creme fraiche ...

Ingredients: Einkorn flour, stone-ground wheat flour, finely sifted wheat, sour cream, light sourdough, salt, sesame oil, muesli, raisins, hazelnuts. Tool: Dough spatula, rising basket, tea towel and possibly a cast...

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Purpurhvede med mørkt øl, malt og røget Vesterhavsost

Purple wheat with dark beer, malt and smoked We...

Ingredients: Purple wheat flour, light malt flour, stone-ground wheat flour, strong wheat flour, sourdough, dark beer, water, salt, Smoked Western cheese Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, sharp knife or...

Purple wheat with dark beer, malt and smoked We...

Ingredients: Purple wheat flour, light malt flour, stone-ground wheat flour, strong wheat flour, sourdough, dark beer, water, salt, Smoked Western cheese Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, sharp knife or...

Landbrød med udblødte byggryn og valnøddeolie

Country bread with soaked barley groats and wal...

Ingredients: Spelled flour, stone-ground wheat, finely sifted wheat, light sourdough, salt, barley groats, walnut oil. Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, sharp knife or razor blade and cast iron pan...

Country bread with soaked barley groats and wal...

Ingredients: Spelled flour, stone-ground wheat, finely sifted wheat, light sourdough, salt, barley groats, walnut oil. Tool: Dough spatula, two rising baskets, sharp knife or razor blade and cast iron pan...

Surdejsbrød med flødeost, honning, citronskal og frisk rosmarin

Sourdough bread with cream cheese, honey, lemon...

Rye cup baker Revka El Baz experiments here with exciting spices in a recipe that yields two wheat sourdough breads. Ingredients Durum flour, wheat flour (stone ground), fine wheat flour,...

Sourdough bread with cream cheese, honey, lemon...

Rye cup baker Revka El Baz experiments here with exciting spices in a recipe that yields two wheat sourdough breads. Ingredients Durum flour, wheat flour (stone ground), fine wheat flour,...

Ølandsbrød med surdej fra Rugkop

Øland bread with sourdough from Rugkop

Recipe: With rye bread sourdough in the kitchen, you can bake light sourdough bread or buns. Easy and incredibly tasty. 3 steps: 1: Stir the dough for 10 min. 2:...

Øland bread with sourdough from Rugkop

Recipe: With rye bread sourdough in the kitchen, you can bake light sourdough bread or buns. Easy and incredibly tasty. 3 steps: 1: Stir the dough for 10 min. 2:...