Q&A Jeg har en surdej til rugbrød, kan jeg også bruge den til hvedebrød?

Q&A I have a sourdough for rye bread, can I also use it for wheat bread?

I would not recommend that you use a rye bread sourdough to bake wheat bread with, but you can use your rye bread sourdough to start a wheat sourdough with.

Do as follows:

Day 1: Take 10 g of rye sourdough and stir it into 40 g of lukewarm water, mix here after 40 g of wheat flour, stir until there are no lumps of dry flour.

Day 2: In a clean bowl, mix 10 g of the sourdough from day 1 with 40 g of water and 40 g of wheat flour, same principle as the day before. The rest of the sourdough from day 1 is discarded.

Day 3: The routine from the previous day is repeated. When the dough doubles in size within eight hours, but preferably sooner, it is ready to use, and you can multiply it into a larger amount of sourdough that can be used in a bread dough. If it does not rise quickly enough, repeat the routine one more day.

Maintenance: From now on, the routine must be repeated every day, but to avoid excessive waste, you can just mix 5 g of the sourdough from the day before with 20 g of water and 20 g of flour.

Learn to bake successful sourdough bread with Rugkop's Online baking course

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