Easiest rye bread with sourdough
Step 1: Mix a sourdough or get it from your baker, colleague or a good friend. |
Step 2: Stir the rye bread dough together in 5 minutes of sourdough, water, rye flour, rye kernels, wheat flour, salt, syrup and e.g. linseed, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. |
Step 3: Raises in shape for the next day. Baked in 75 minutes at 190 degrees |
- Working time 5 minutes
- Withdrawal time 1 day
- Baking time 75 minutes
Rugkop's recipe is the easiest rye bread recipe for anyone who wants to start baking sourdough rye bread. The recipe uses the sourdough cup as a measuring cup. 1 cup = 5 dl.
- Sourdough
- Water
- Rye flour
- Cracked rye kernels
- Wheat flour
- Linseed
- Sunflower seeds
- Pumpkin seeds
- Syrup, honey or sugar
- Salt
Here's how you do it:
- In a mixing bowl, mix your sourdough (recipe below) with 1.5 cups of water, 1 cup of rye flour, 1 cup of broken rye kernels and 1 cup of wheat flour. Stir for a short time.
- Save sourdough for next baking: Mix 1/4 cup of dough from the mixing bowl with 1/4 cup of water. This is your new sourdough for the next time you bake.
- In the mixing bowl, add 1 tablespoon of salt, 3 tablespoons of syrup (or honey/sugar) and 3-4 dl of mixed seeds from, for example, 1 dl of sunflower, 1 dl of pumpkin and 1 dl of linseed. The consistency should be like oatmeal.
- Fill the dough in a greased 3-liter mold or two smaller molds. Make the surface abundantly wet. Let it rise, covered, for at least 8 hours, until it has risen 1-2 cm. Rye bread can rise too short, but not too long. Try for up to 24 hours and taste how the good sour taste becomes more evident.
- Bake at 190 degrees for 75 min. Ideal core temperature is 97 degrees. Take the bread out of the tin immediately and let it cool on a baking rack.
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Storage of rye bread :
For the first day, home-baked rye bread must be stored in a cloth, so that the freshly baked consistency is retained. After a day, it should be in an airtight bag, so that the moisture is distributed throughout the crust. If you think it will be too hard after a week, a toaster can make it soft and crispy again. Rye bread quickly becomes dry and hard if stored in the refrigerator.
Recipe for sourdough :
The sourdough only needs to be made once and for all. Every time you bake, you take a portion of dough aside, which is sourdough for the next baking.
How to make your sourdough the first time.
- Mix 1.5 dl water with 0.5 dl wheat flour, 0.5 dl whole wheat flour and 0.5 rye flour in the rye cup or a container with a loose lid.
- Leave it at room temperature for 4 days. Stir it daily. It should bubble a little and smell sour. If it does not, it must be left for a few more days. Read more about sourdough here.
Ja det gør jeg. Men man kan også bage i ovn uden varmluft. /Lars
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