About Kragegaarden

We receive the best organic flour and grain from Kragegaarden on Funen. Here, Karin and Kristian Andersen run one of the small Danish mills that grow and grind their own grain on a stone mill, and sell as farm sales, at farmers' markets around the country - and in our flour bins.

15 years ago, Kristian Andersen changed his farming from cattle farming to organic farming and has since produced a large and beautiful selection of quality flour, grain and seeds - all organic and without pesticides. Kragegården continuously expands its cooperation with neighboring farms and other farmers who switch to organic farming. You can support this development and have all your flour and grain delivered to your front door by subscribing to our flour boxes.

The small mills differ from the supermarkets' organic shelf products by first grinding the grain when you order it. Freshly milled grain has more vitamins and nutrients in the first month after it has been milled. And then the small mills are not an industrial mill made of steel with 24-hour staffing and 18-ton trucks, but a local Danish farmer who follows the grain's path from field to mill to finally pack it by hand for you. Visit your nearest mill or Kragergården farm shop at Kirkeløkken 8, Havndrup on Funen.