Rug-paneret fiskefilet med ristet rugbrød

Rye-breaded fish fillet with toasted rye bread

Laura / koesterskoekken often inspires with easy, delicious recipes. Here the fish fillet is breaded with rye. Served on toasted Rugkop rye bread.


Sometimes it's hard, and time is far too short, to both shop, then go home and cook after a busy day at work, but you have to 😅

1: A leftover semi-dry rye bread was fried in a pan with butter.

2: Fresh plaice fillets, tossed in rye flour, egg and breadcrumbs then fried in butter and olive oil😜

3: A coarse remoulade is added extra acid such as chopped Asian, pickled cucumbers, pickled onions, capers etc. 👌 

#nurseskitchen #fish fillet #sandwich #rye cup #dinner #dinner #opensandwich #ryebread #inspiration #remoulade #tartarsauce

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