How to make sourdough for rye bread
Step 1: Mix 1.5 dl of water. 0.5 dl wheat flour. 0.5 dl whole wheat flour and 0.5 rye flour |
Step 2: Leave it at room temperature for 4 days. Stir it daily. |
Step 3: When it has small bubbles and smells slightly sour, it is ready to bake. If it doesn't, it should stand for a few more days. See video below. |
Sourdough gives flavor and leavening power to the rye bread. Once you get a sourdough, it can last forever because it is renewed every time it is baked. There are several ways to acquire a sourdough:
- Get it from family, colleagues or new friends via #rugkop
- Buy it from your baker
- Make your own sourdough in 4-6 days (recipe below).
Sourdough is an organic mass in which lactic acid bacteria and yeast cells multiply actively. Therefore, the sourdough can also change its appearance. It may bubble, it may be separated with brownish liquid at the top, or it may look like a lump of dough.
It is difficult to destroy a sourdough. A little wheat flour and water plus possibly a little yeast can refresh an inactive sourdough. Otherwise, a few rounds of baking can usually get it going again. An inactive sourdough causes the bread to rise less and requires an extension of the rising time. Try yourself out. Rye bread also tastes good, although it is not risen and is therefore more compact.
Recipe for sourdough :- Mix 1.5 dl water with 0.5 dl wheat flour, 0.5 dl whole wheat flour and 0.5 rye flour in the rye cup or a container with a loose lid. (The wholemeal flour can be any kind. If you don't have wholemeal flour, you can simply double up with the rye flour)
- Let it stand at room temperature for 4 days (possibly without a lid). Stir it daily. It should bubble a little and smell sour. If it does not, it must be left for a few more days. (see the activity over 6 days in the video below).
Storage of sourdough :
Sourdough with rye flour is acidic and therefore very rarely moulds. It can last several months in the fridge. It can separate in brown water and milk paste, but then it just needs to be stirred. It can "fall asleep" in the fridge and become inactive if it is not used for several weeks, but then it just needs to be left for a few days at room temperature with a tbsp. rye flour or wheat flour every day until it shows bubbles and activity. The more often you bake, the more active the sourdough becomes. If you bake once a week, it just needs to be left on the kitchen table and does not need to be fed. If it really smells terrible, the wrong bacteria may have taken over and you have to throw it out and make a new one.
Bake easy rye bread in 5 minutes with a Rye cup
Surdejen kan både laves med eller uden låg. Låget på hjælper at overfladen ikke tørrer ud, og der ikke kommer insekter ned om sommeren. Låget af kan hjælpe på at der kommer flere naturlige brugbare svampesporer fra luften der udvikler en god surdej.
Man skal ikke umiddelbart fodre en surdej. Men man kan på 4.dagen eller 5.dagen evt. tilsætte en spsk. rugmel, så den får lidt mere styrke, inden man bager med den for første gang.
Jeg købte for et eller to år siden en rugkop. Har lavet surdej og bagt efter jeres opskrift. Har holdt pause og kan ikke helt komme i gang
Jeg vil meget gerne spørge om 2 ting:
1) skal der låg på under fremstilling af surdej?
2) skal surdejen fodres dagligt? Med hvor meget?
På forhånd tak for svar
Mvh. Mona Pedersen, Skive
Hej der. Når der laves surdej i rugkop er det lidt uklart om låg skal af, på eller på klem/skrå. Hvad er bedste?